What support can I get for me and my child?
In the Somali community these are some common suggestions to cure autism:
- Camel’s milk
- Supplements off the internet
- Using the Qur’an and faith
- Taking the child back to Somalia
FACT: An autistic person will always be autistic – it is a lifelong condition.
There is no cure. Faith and spiritual healing may help you to cope with the situation
BUT it won’t replace getting support and teaching them life skills.
Being autistic doesn’t mean they can’t do the things everyone can do. They can get a job, they can have a family. They can learn to talk. They might learn with pictures. It’s important to understand that they learn differently and see the world in a different way.
They’re no less, they are just different.
Professionals will help you learn skills to communicate with your child and manage their behaviour. You can help by putting a structure in place at home, for example by using simple language and giving information in a visual way, like by having a clear calendar for the day’s activities that your child can easily understand.
To download this information and some top tips, click the links below.
What support can I get for me and my child? (English version) opens in a new tab
What support can I get for me and my child? (Somali version) opens in a new tab.
Autism Independence worked with NIHR to produce these videos to be watched alongside the fact sheet.